Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Going Underground

True story "Shameful Secrets" is based upon the life of Marianne Walker-Tate, who is the suburban housewife to Daniel and mother of two, Josie and Jason. In public, it's the perfect marriage but behind close doors, it's not all domestic bliss.

The story begins with Marianne and Daniel sitting in front of their house holding each other and cuddling. A neighbor stops by and invites them over for a party but Daniel declines. When Daniel sees the neighbor touch Marianne's hand, he gets very jealous. Later that night, he starts yelling at her. He grabs her by the hair and starts beating her. Afterwards, he apologizes and Marianne forgives him. The beatings continue over and over again. Daniel is unable to control his terrible temper and poor Marianne has to physically endure his abuse. Because he threatens to kill her, Marianne is afraid to leave him. She doesn't know what to do. She just wants to leave with her children.  

One night, after Daniel had finished beating her, Marianne tries to leave with the children. Daniel catches and beats her so badly, the ambulance arrives and takes her to the hospital. While recovering from her severe injuries, Daniel accuses her of leaving and abandoning the children. He locks her out of the house and doesn't let her see the children. Marianne, upset, tries to get her children back. She takes Daniel to court to fight for custody of the children. When she tries to explain the physical abuse, the judge advises that physical abuse can not be used in custody hearings. After hearing both sides, the judge gives sole custody to Daniel but gives Marianne visitation. Marianne is crushed and can't believe she doesn't have her children. At this point, Marianne is staying in a shelter and plans on getting her children back. She finds a job and an apartment. When visiting with her children, she notices a change in them. They're more quiet and distant with her. Jason, her son, starts fights at school and talks mean to his little sister. Marianne knows his behavior is from the effects his father put him through. She tries to get Jason help.

On their next visit, Jason is wearing a hat. When Marianne asks him to take the hat off, she notices that he has a black eye. His father hit him. She confronts Daniel and warns him not to touch her children again. Daniel pushes her on the ground. Desperate and not knowing what to do, Marianne decides to leave with her children by "going underground". Louise, the counselor at the shelter, is reluctant but helps with her dangerous plan. They would have to change their identities and go into hiding. If caught, Marianne can face charges for kidnapping her children and face prison time. Marianne doesn't care. The judge won't listen about the abuse. The judge won't give her kids back. She just wants to get away and protect herself and her children. While in hiding, Marianne couldn't be more happier. Her children are happy. She wonders if it is finally over. Is she able to live her life?

Louise receives a phone call from Congressman Marella's office and is asked to speak about all the cases of spousal abuse from the women at the shelter. While visiting with Congressman Marella, Louise provides all the paperwork of each case. Louise is asked if there are women who are willing to speak in public at the press conference to gain support in receiving help for these women. Louise thinks and the first name that comes to mind is Marianne. Coming out of hiding, Marianne comes to speak at the press conference and tells her story. She explains that she endured spousal abuse for 11 years and lost custody of her children to the man who beat her only because the courts wouldn't hear her testimony about the physical abuse she received. All she wants is to be heard and to take care of her children without the threat of violence. After speaking, Marianne receives a standing ovation for her warm and heartfelt story.

After hearing all the women, including Marianne, who came forward to speak about their experiences, the state of Maryland is now one of many states that have passed the admittance of testimony of spousal abuse in custody hearings. In a new custody hearing, the judge calls Marianne to the stand to hear her testimony of physical abuse.

Lizzy   =)

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